Welcome to ENTREDU
Europe needs more entrepreneurs, more innovation and more high-growth SMEs. This is why it is necessary to stimulate the entrepreneurial mindsets of young people. The important role of education in promoting more entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors is now widely recognized. (Education & Training for Entrepreneurship)
ENTREDU project aims to improve school entrepreneurship cross-curricular education through a very simple and attractive platform for teachers and learners that will include teaching materials, guidelines for teachers and good practice examples (in different areas, levels and types of education). This will provide incentives and opportunities for teachers to collaborate and contribute to the overall development of schools as learning environments.
Under this perspective teachers are provided with best practice resources as well as practical experience through the portal and networking between developers of entrepreneurships education is continuously reinforced.
Additionally schools are given practical support and incentives to incorporate entrepreneurship in their curricula, through a range of different instruments that the portal offers (distribution of teaching materials, funding of pilot projects, dissemination of cross-curricular best practices, promotion of partnerships with businesses, support for dedicated organizations conducting entrepreneurship programmes with schools, etc.).
ENTREDU vision is to enable networking between developers of entrepreneurship education with the view to creating an online community of practitioners and thus supporting educators in the development of pedagogies, concepts and cross-curricula for entrepreneurship education through an online platform.
ENTREDU contest will motivate teachers of primary and secondary education to design their entrepreneurial scenarios based on an interdisciplinary approach aiming at building upon entrepreneurial competences and creating a community of interest among educators, practitioners and policy makers that promote entrepreneurial education.