INTRASOFT International S.A. is a leading European, ISO 9001-certified company in the area of Information Technology and Communication services provision. It has a broad portfolio of business activities addressing a wide range of international and national public and private organisations. As a subsidiary of INTRACOM IT SERVICES, a member of INTRACOM HOLDINGS Group that employs some 6,200 people in 21 countries around the world, INTRASOFT International was established in October 1996 to better serve public and private sector clients throughout Western Europe with a particular focus in European Union bodies and agencies. Through INTRASOFT possesses a successful track record of delivering very large and complex IT systems, especially for the public sector. INTRASOFT has proven expertise in conceptual system architecture and system design, advanced application development and integration services, information portal management and communication services, and project management. Through the Research and Innovation Development Group INTRASOFT International has gained significant knowledge and experience related to Open Discovery Space project objectives from current and past participation in the following: CASAM (FP7-217061), OpenScienceResources (ECP-2008-EDU-428045) Towards the development of a Shared Digital Repository for Formal and Informal Science Education, CONNECT (FP6-507844), Designing the Classroom of Tomorrow by using Advanced Technologies to connect formal and informal learning environments), mCDN (FP6-507993) Multimedia Content Delivery Networks, eMage (eContent-11152), Exploitation of European databases of images protected by IPR.